The study aimed to explore the factors influencing job satisfaction among Dutch Bangla Bank Lim- ited employees within the context of the private banking sector. The study result indicate that pay and benefits, supervisor's behavior and organization policy have a significant impact on employee's job satisfaction. This. Job Satisfaction Effecting Factors of Employees in Bangladesh Banking Sector · Abstract. Satisfaction of employees with their job is considered one of the key. This book is a little effort from the authors' side on measuring the level of job satisfaction of teachers in schools, colleges and universities in Bangladesh. The employer of banks has given importance on job satisfaction of employees in order to remain competitive. In the perspective of Bangladesh, the present.
Abstract: Job satisfaction which is expressed by different employees differently has much influence on their work behavior. In an attempt to examine the. Job Satisfaction of Commercial Bank Employees in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study · Job Satisfaction and Inequality in Jobs: An Analysis of Banking Industry via. This study suggests that for ensuring job satisfaction of the RMG workers in Bangladesh the policy makers should focus more on salary and benefits, supervisors'. The targeted population was the commercial bank employees in Bangladesh. Regarding this study, total of employees were asked to participate in this research. The study reveals that if bank employees of Bangladesh are highly satisfied with their job, their productivity will be increased and they will be able to. However, promotional opportunity, recognition, relation with colleagues, working environment, and work autonomy were more important factors than job security. Private bank officers have higher levels of job satisfaction than those from public sectors as they enjoy better facilities and supportive work environment. A various studies have been conducted on the job satisfaction but a very few studies have been done on the job satisfaction of private sector in Bangladesh's. Job satisfaction of industrial workers is very important for the industry to function successfully. Job satisfaction has emerged to be very significant. The findings of the study reveal that job pressure, supervision of management, job security, training, and development impact overall employee satisfaction. On.
This study examined the level of job satisfaction among the employees ofprivate and public organizations in Bangladesh. Data have been collected randomly. The study reveals that if bank employees of Bangladesh are highly satisfied with their job, their productivity will be increased and they will be able to. Kabir, A. J. (). Factors Influencing the Employee Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: A Study of Selected Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. Asian. Job Satisfaction Effecting Factors of Employees in Bangladesh Banking Sector Satisfaction of employees with their job is considered one of the key factors for. Keywords: Job Satisfaction; Employee; Factors; Bangladesh. 1. Introduction. Banking industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the economy of Bangladesh. This study attempts to evaluate job satisfaction of bank employees in Bangladesh. It focuses on the relative importance of job satisfaction factors and. We investigated the effects of work characteristics and other predictors to job satisfaction, turnover intention, and burnout in doctors of the. In Bangladesh, the current situation of job satisfaction in banks is appalling. But, they have slight focus on their staffs' job satisfaction. Hence, it is. In this study the researchers investigated the present level of job satisfaction among the faculty members of private universities of tertiary level in.
This study aims at indentifying some important factors that affect job satisfaction of female employees of private commercial banks in Bangladesh. A highly. Key Words: job satisfaction, nurse, cross-sectional study, Bangladesh. Introduction. Job satisfaction is a key concept within productive organizations. employee job satisfaction negatively. Supervisors: Managers are one of the main factors which affect job satisfaction. Managers interested in employees. The study reveals that for the success of educational institutes, it is very important to ensure quality teaching and employees' job satisfaction. Only if they. job imz-ural.ruds: Job Satisfaction; Employee; Factors; BangladeshIntroductionBanking industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the.
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